Friday, March 5, 2010

Dinosaurs Tenderly Caressing Robots

Here’s the long anticipated posting of my most recent Dinosaur Fucking Robot illustrations. I’m actually only posting 2 of 3 new pieces I’ve made since I decided to rework a couple small things. I’m sure to post it… soon. Maybe with an additional new illustration to the series! There are tonnes of dinosaurs just begging to be drawn in compromising positions.

Part of the delay on posting these was my waiting to hear if they’ve been accepted to this year’s Seattle Erotic Art Festival. Unfortunately, they have not. This of course is shocking and disappointing news for everyone, especially me. After the initial disappointment, mixed with rage, I’m only left with a sense of bewilderment. Has the show already reached erotic dinosaur saturation? Was the material itself not appropriate to the theme of the festival? Was the intent or quality of the work not of suitable quality? Obviously those last points are ridiculous! These are the finest illustrations of their kind!

But one can hardly expect to be accepted into every show, or sell every piece, and so on; rejection is anything but the exception when it comes to creative pursuits. If anything, I’m more determined than ever to find a fitting venue to exhibit these fine specimens, and some promising leads have appeared.

The SEAF is April 30th - May 2nd, I’ll still be attending; it’s bound to be a thrilling show.